BJ Gallagher - Author & Speaker

Books by BJ


A Peacock in the Land of Penguins:
A Fable about Creativity and Courage

This is the book that started it all! The story of Perry the Peacock and his adventures in the Land of Penguins has reached the hearts and minds of readers everywhere. First published in 1995, and now published in 23 languages around the world, this corporate fable explores what it means to be "different" in a world that values conformity, stability, and tradition. The book includes a quiz to see if you are a Peacock in the Land of Penguins, as well as survival tips and strategies for birds of all types.

"Every once in a while a small book comes along that deals with a profound subject in a very simple, elegant way. A Peacock in the Land of Penguins is such a book."
Ken Blanchard, coauthor of The One Minute Manager and Raving Fans and Gung Ho!

"The beauty of metaphor is that it communicates meaning, not just information, which is why I learned so much from this book about diversity, corporate culture, and organizational transformation. I also learned a lot about 'peacocks and penguins' -- lessons I will never forget."
Warren Bennis, author of Leaders and Organizing Genius

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Your Life is Your Prayer - NEW! Available April 2019

Your life is your prayer. Whatever you’ve got going on in your life is what you’ve been praying for – sometimes consciously, often unconsciously. If you want something different in your life, you must pray a different prayer.

You may not realize it – many people don’t – but the decisions you make throughout the day, the attitudes you adopt, the conversations you have, the way you respond to other people, the thoughts you think are all prayers. The food you choose to eat is a prayer, the way you spend your money is a prayer – even the way you drive is a prayer! We are constantly communing with the Divine throughout our daily lives – even in the most mundane activities.

This new book by BJ Gallagher and Sam Beasley shows you how to change your life by changing your prayer. First, you will learn how to stop complaining. Next, you will discover how to focus on what you DO want, not what you don’t want. Finally, and most importantly, you will learn how to make your prayers positive and affirming – to get more of what you want in your life. By consciously choosing new thoughts and new conversations – you will literally create a new life for yourself!

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The Leadership Secrets from Oz

When Dorothy, the Tin Man, the Scarecrow, and the Cowardly Lion approached the great Wizard of Oz they assumed that their leader would wave his magic wand and solve their problems, leaving them off on their merry way. But that's not how a leader inspires a team, and that's not how a team finds success in the wonderful land of Oz. Instead, the Wizard guides them on their journey, reminding them of their own unique skills and abilities so they can accomplish their dreams.

These unique and easy-to-use tools lay the foundation for great teamwork and inspiring management. You'll create a more effective workplace using the Wizard's easy-to-follow leadership principles, inspiring and encouraging both leaders and team members alike.

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It's Never Too Late to Be What You Might Have Been

The title of this new book says it all: It's Never Too Late to Be What You Might Have Been. Inspired by George Eliot's famous quote, BJ Gallagher has written a simple, straightforward, upbeat and effective guidebook to getting the life you've always wanted. The author asks: "What are your passions and talents? Do you have gifts to share with the world? Have you ever deferred your dream because it seemed impractical? Do you long to pick up that dream again?" If your answer to any of those questions is "yes," then this is the book for you!

You only go around once in this life, so why not live a life you love? Start now. Live now. Love now. Laugh now. Give full expression to who you really are. Go for that deferred dream - whether it's a new career, a new love, a new sport, or making yourself wealthy. You were put on this earth to be the best YOU that you can be. If you don't do it, nobody else can.

Whether you've lost your job, recently graduated from college, or reached the point where you want to start a new chapter in your life, this book is the perfect guidebook. It's a wonderful combination of practical advice, step-by-step guidelines, and pure inspiration. Don't just seize the day - seize the rest of your life!

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Yes Lives in the Land of No
Everywhere we turn, our world is full of NOs. Our efforts to pursue our dreams, initiate new projects, and win approval from others are often met with rejection, rebuffs, and resistance. Wet blankets dampen our enthusiasm. Nay-sayers encourage us to "quit rocking the boat." What should you do when you're excited about an idea but meet with nothing but negativity?? How can you get others to say YES when it seems easier for them to say NO?

This wise, insightful parable follows our hero who ventures into the Land of NO in search of YES. He watches positive characters flounder and fail - characters like Wynot Now, Seymour Sales, Ima Newheer, and N. Thusiasm. They are full of energy, enthusiasm and good ideas but fail because they do not effectively deal with the obstacles they face...becoming discouraged and disillusioned by their encounters with such sorrowful souls as Hugh Kant, Don Rock de'Boat, Noway Jose, Nomo Money, and May B. Later. By watching these interactions, our hero learns how to persevere despite myriad NOs...ultimately succeeding in finding the YES he seeks.

The second half of the book takes you from parable to practice-with proven tips, tools, and strategies to help you persevere, develop tenacity, persist in the face of rejection, and overcome the inertia of the status quo. Together, the two parts of this book provide a complete package for those seeking to become effective at finding more YESes in their personal and professional lives.

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Being Buddha at Work: 101 Ancient Truths on Change, Stress, Money, and Success

Buddhism has for thousands of years provided a spiritual foundation for the daily lives of millions around the world. But does Buddhism have anything to offer us—Buddhists and non-Buddhists alike—in today’s world of work? Metcalf and Gallagher think it does, and they offer it in this book. Spiritual wisdom, Western or Eastern, inspires and instructs us in living a good life. And that's just as true at work as at home.

Buddha mind – a source of calm, compassion and insight – exists within each of us, not just the historical Buddha. Being Buddha at Work shows how to embody that mind in the stress and clamor of the workplace ­– how to tap into the Buddha consciousness so we can relieve daily tensions and greet challenges with awareness, equanimity and good humor.

The book is divided into three sections. The first, “Becoming a Mindful Worker,” covers Buddha’s wisdom for our own work; the second, “Cultivating Mindful Work Relationships,” focuses on how to work with other people; the third, “Creating a Mindful Workplace,” deals with broader organizational topics. Foreword by His Holiness the Dalai Lama.

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The Best Way Out is Always Through - The Power of Perseverance

Calvin Coolidge, the 30th President of the United States, wrote:

"Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence.
Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful
people with talent.
Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb.
Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts.
Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.
The slogan, “Press on,” has solved, and always will solve,
the problems of the human race."

We couldn't have said it better ourselves! This inspirational gift book is the perfect antidote to today's tough times. Whether you're dealing with job loss, home foreclosure, financial struggles, or family problems, this book of inspiration and instruction will enable you to survive ..... perhaps even thrive!

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Why Don't I Do the Things I Know Are Good for Me?

We all know what we need to do - eat right, exercise more, get plenty of rest, save our money, and make smart decisions in our own best interest. But instead, it seems like we take good care of everyone else and neglect ourselves. Don't despair – it's not hopeless and you're not helpless. This new book shows you fifty-two ways to put yourself first on your priority list – rather than last. After all, if you give up on yourself, what's left to give?

Why Don't I Do the Things I Know Are Good for Me? begins by exploring the most common reasons that women don't take good care of themselves. Once you recognize the barriers you're facing, you'll be ready to take steps to overcome them. You'll discover how small changes can have a BIG impact on the quality of your life. You can start to replace your poor habits with good ones. And finally, you'll learn how to avoid the "quick fix" trap – and instead establish a high level of self-care for the long haul.

Simple, straightforward, and effective, BJ Gallagher's tips, tools, and suggestions will guide you to a life you love – taking care of yourself AND your loved ones!

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The Road to Happiness

The desire for happiness is universal. People from all cultures and backgrounds, people of all ages and races, people around the world everywhere want to be happy. This inspirational book outlines 21 simple secrets for a happy life, but there real "secret" is: There's no secret! Happiness is a choice; happiness is available no matter what situation your situation or circumstance. As Abraham Lincoln so wisely pointed out, "Most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be."

But we are human and we often forget that we can control our attitudes, even though we can't control events. That's what this wonderful book is about – it's a reminder to us all that happiness is available – all we have to do is help ourselves. Happiness is abundant; happiness is everywhere; happiness is yours for the taking. And if you need a reminder now and then, this book is perfect for you!

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Learning to Dance in the Rain - The Power of Gratitude

Gratitude comes easy when things are going good in our lives - when we enjoy our work, our health is good, we've got enough money to pay our bills, there's food in the kitchen and a roof over our heads. Of course we feel grateful when our families are fine and our friendships strong. But what happens when things in our lives go awry? For many people, gratitude goes right out the window when Life doesn't show up the way they want it to. Instead of gratitude, they feel disappointment, fear, anger, resentment, shock, anxiety, and/or hopelessness.

The wisdom and insight in this beautiful gift book will help you find gratitude in the midst of your own struggles, disappointments, and sadness. Being grateful no matter what is going on around you puts you in position to keep your life moving forward, in the best direction possible, given your current circumstances. There is no way to avoid Life's storms - they come and go whether we want them or not. The best thing each of us can do is learn to dance in the rain!

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If God Is Your Co-Pilot, Switch Seats

Have you ever lost your car keys? You look high and low, in every place you can think of, to no avail. The keys are nowhere to be found. You give up. You go about your day and the next thing you know, the keys show up! It's the darndest thing – just when you give up, the item you wanted appears. It seems like a miracle … and it is. It's the miracle of surrender.

What a paradox! Give up control … and you get what you want? Lo and behold, when we do it, it works. When we surrender to a power greater than ourselves, miracles happen – often in the most amazing ways. That's not to say that we just sit back and order stuff – as if God was eBay or Amazon. We have our part to play, too. We must take faith-full action – without being attached to the outcome.

This new book by BJ Gallagher, helps you get what you want … by letting go. Spiritual wisdom gathered from a wide array of sources fill the pages of this powerful volume. Insight from ancient traditions sits comfortably side-by-side with contemporary teachings gathered from sermons, wisdom tales, parables, mystic poems … even bumper stickers!

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FRIENDS: The Family You Choose for Yourself

Sometimes it's hard to put into words how much our friends mean to us. Friends comfort us in our times of need, celebrate our triumphs, laugh with us, forgive us and love us. Luckily you don't have to come up with the words! BJ Gallagher has put the wonders of friendship into a book full of original poems and quotes all about friendship. The design of this book is so thoughtful, you will delight in each and every page that is laid out in a wonderful scrapbook design. Give this book to each and every one of your friends as a beautiful way to say thank you for their gift of friendship.

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Everything I Need to Know I Learned from Other Women
Who feeds a woman's mind, heart, and soul? Other women do. Women don't need experts to tell them how to live wonderful lives -- they just need to look to other women! Everything I Need to Know I Learned from Other Women is a collection of short stories, personal anecdotes, inspirational quotes, remembrances, and even comedic one-liners whose sole purpose is to celebrate what women teach each other. The book contains important insights on topics every woman cares about: friendship, family, love, sex, food, money, motherhood, happiness, work, and fulfillment.

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The World's Best Advice From The World's Wisest Women

Where do women look for guidance and advice? They look to other women – those with substance, style, savvy, and insight. Who better to give us inspiration and instruction than women who've been there, done that. From money to motherhood, from careers to caring the loved ones, from success to sex – inquiring minds want to know.

These words of advice are both wise and witty – bringing you smiles and chuckles along with smart suggestions for living a fabulous life.

What to know what kind of guy to marry? Curious about how to rebound from personal disappointments? Interested in secrets to financial success? Want to know if women today can have it all? Just ask the world's wisest women!

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Friends are Everything
Live richer, laugh harder, love more -- with friends.

Neighbors, best friends, friends who are family, work friends, friends who are lovers, friends who share special interests, friends who make each other's lives better in dozens of ways -- BJ Gallagher leaves no friend unturned. Friends Are Everything covers it all -- the ups and downs and ins and outs of having great friends and being a good friend.

Friends Are Everything is everything you ever need to know about friendship -- with anecdotes, wise and witty quotes, and more than three dozen real-life stories from friends across the country. Share this heartfelt celebration of friendship with the ones you love.

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Women's Work is Never Done - Celebrating Everything Women Do


AFFIRM our own and each other's worth.
BE CURIOUS and ask good questions.
COMMIT ourselves to excellence.
DIG deeply into life's mysteries.
EXPRESS ourselves authentically.

…and much much more!

Filled with humor, wit, insight, and wisdom, this wonderful collection honors all the many forms that women's work takes. Each chapter reflects on a different contribution that women make to family, to community, to the workplace, to volunteer organizations, to the world -- all through the work they do.

Some of the pages will make you smile; others will make you nod in agreement as you recognize yourself; still others will make you think (or re-think) aspects or your own work. Each chapter provides inspiration, insight, as well as practical how-to's to make women's work a little easier and more fun. Whether you buy this book as a gift for a wonderful woman in your life or as a treat for yourself, it's a loving reminder of how valuable women's work is … in all its forms.

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Where Would I Be Without You?

Where would we be if it weren't for our women mentors and teachers, friends and family? Mothers, sisters, famous writers and thinkers, artists and inventors, friends and friends of friends all make an appearance in this wise and wonderful book. So let's celebrate what we know – and pass it on!

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The True Tale of a Three-Legged Cat

When Henry was found, his left front leg dangled uselessly from his shoulder. That could have been the end of the story for this little striped kitten. But instead, it was the beginning of an unlikely adventure, as two dog lovers rescued him.

Henry had to lose his leg, but what he gained was far more valuable. His is a story of survival, courage, perseverance, and triumph over barriers and bias. Henry shows his rescuers the power of love to overcome any and all obstacles.

Henry's story is for kids of all ages …. . . from six to sixty … (and beyond)!

NOTE: All proceeds from the sale of this book are donated to animal rescue groups. Thank you for your support!

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What About Me? I'm Here Too!

Dolly's life was perfect in every way. She was an “only dog,” beloved by her human companions. She got all the attention, all the treats, and all the love a dog could want. But all that changed one day when a tiny striped kitten came into her life - an injured kitty named Henry, who needed lots of tender loving care to recover from losing his leg. Dolly suddenly found herself with an uninvited houseguest - and a cat at that! Her life would never be the same.

Dolly lost her special place as the only pet in the house, but she had much to gain. Hers is a story of mixed and confusing feelings. Together, Dolly and her human companions learned many valuable lessons in empathy, understanding, patience, and compassion. Dolly's story is for kids of all ages (and grownups, too).


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